- John Waters’ One-Man Show Coming to Austin
Probably a lot like This Filthy World. Could be good. - Should publicly funded content belog to the public?
I love the idea of all that great CBC and TVO content being public domain, and I think it should eventually be (though I'd say 7 years is a more reasonable time period). But for projects merely SUBSIDIZED by government money, I'm not so sure. (What better way to drive artists south than to shorten the potential commercial life of their work?) But I do think that some eventual concession makes sense–maybe lifetime of the artist? - Fantastic Mr. Fox Behind-the-scenes
Cool little behind-the-scenes feature about the new Wes Anderson flick, The Fantastic Mr. Fox. The film is based on the Roald Dahl book of the same name. (via Aint It Cool) - Cronenberg on Cronenberg
This may very well be my next book purchase. I wonder if he talks about his role in Nightbreed. Probably not.
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